I had severe problems with PulseSecure VPN (with a MacBook Pro). Direct WiFi connections seemed to work fine, but as soon as the VPN was active, connections to the intranet were super slow or stopped working at all. When using a proxy to access the Internet, nothing went through anymore. I am still not sure about the cause, but found a solution.
In this article I collection questions which I posted on Twitter, maybe you have an answer? Looking forward to your responses!
Immer mehr Konzerne gehen aufgrund der Rechtsunsicherheit im Bezug auf rückwirkende Sozialversicherungspflicht keine Verträge mehr mit Freelancern ein, sondern beschäftigen externe Mitarbeiter nur noch über Arbeitnehmerüberlassung (ANÜ). Hier stelle ich einen Ansatz zur Berechnung eines Gehaltsäquivalents auf Basis eines Stundensatzes vor.
Checking in the Gradle Wrapper or Not?
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The gradle wrapper can download and verify a specified version of gradle for a project without the need of a local gradle executable. The gradle documentation suggests to check it into the VCS (version control system, e.g. git). This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of keeping the gradle wrapper in a VCS and presents an alternative.
COBOL in 2020? Try it on your PC!
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COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented [programming] Language) dates back to 1959, and is still used in its realm of business software, mostly on mainframe computers. Of course, there are also many related software modernization and migration projects. Thus, once in a while even non-mainframe developers might need some COBOL knowledge. Commercial _COBOL_ systems, especially on real mainframes, are expensive. In this article I demonstrate how to set up the GnuCOBOL compiler and integrate it with Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu Linux, but it also works on Windows and macOS. This way, experimenting with COBOL becomes easy and cheap.